

Ànima pròpia.

Making a good wine involves a long process that amounts to a different and transgressive concept in the world of communication.
When a project is linked to the earth and it depends on the success and failure only remains to seek a good NAMING that is original, that has history and above all that has a soul of its own.
And like the wine that, for that good year has to suffer, we have worked hard and we have come to a great concept formed by two words: VI + ONRICO
Wine lovers understand this concept when with a tasting we close our eyes and the different senses lead us to a world of dreams. You can drift for a few moments from the earthly world and it leaves you with a good taste in your mouth.
We present to you a representative part of the labelling of the brand VINRIC with its most representative wines: Vieja Lola, Proposito and Fincas Incansables; Mas Rusques.
We wanted to highlight white above any other color, conceding importance to the textures of paper and paints. We highlight the importance of the letters (typography)used that combine perfectly to give a ROUND LABELLING.
We hope that you will know the varieties, tones and nuances of each wine and each visual project.

Us presentem una part representativa del labelling de la marca VINÍRIC amb els seus vins més representatius: Vella Lola, Propòsit i de Finques Incansables; el Mas Rusques.

Hem volgut destacar el blanc per sobre de qualsevol altre color, cedint la importància a les textures del paper i de les pintures. Remarquem la importància de les lletres (tipografies) utilitzades que combinen perfectament per donar un LABELLING RODÓ.

Esperem que noteu les varietats, les tonalitats i els matisos de cada vi i de cada projecte visual. Que vagi de gust!

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